Friday, July 11, 2014

Liza discovers why we cannot find Dark Matter

When Harry Potter puts on his invisibility cloak most of us considered it scientifically impossible but highly entertaining. Yet some scientists thought "how could I go about creating an invisibility cloak. The government would pay me a fortune for it."

Yes, scientist are realist. They need money and grants constantly to feed their need to create and discover things. Just because no one had built an invisibility cloak yet, doesn't mean they can't.

So they did. I'm not sure exactly who 'they' are, but unless spacemen stopped by and shared their technology with mangy bald primates, then there are really clever scientists among us doing incredibly clever things. 

Because the invisibility cloak does exist. And scientist have spent a great deal of time cloaking items for this pet's amusement.  (Never say geniuses don't have a sense of humor. Seriously, don't say it, or you might discover certain body parts disappear.)

It turns out, they can not only make things disappear, but they can make it where you cannot feel the objects. They can also hide it audibly so sound waves cannot pick it up. 

I, personally, am very pleased, because in my Late Victorian novel coming out in August, one of the mysteries Xavier Thorn must solve is how a spy  can turn invisible.

There is no explanation provided in the story. It remains a mystery because the spy is killed and thus cannot share her secret.

There are three ways to create invisibility presently, and none explain my spies ability. Which means they need to keep looking, because I thought of it, so it must be possible.

In addition, in a futuristic series, the SkyRyders fly about in nanotechnology suits than can turn invisible similar to the way a chameleon lizard does. 

While we clearly need to expand the many ways we can turn things invisible, let's not forget we can now make things impossible to feel. You can see the item, but you cannot feel it. 

This is done with an artificial material that can behave as both a liquid and a solid. Thus, when you touch it, it gives way beneath your touch so you cannot tell you ARE touching anything.

The first practical application was a very small hexagonal design rather like a honeycomb. 

For the Scientific American story go here.

The object is surrounded by the construct which prevents it from being felt or damaged to a point. (If you press hard enough on 'nothing' you can break the internal item. 

Now if you add the three cloaking technologies together (cloaking visual, audio, and feel), you get an item that cannot be seen, heard, nor felt.

In other words it is totally invisible to us.

I wonder if this explains where all the unaccounted for dark matter in space is hiding...
It's there, but cloaked from our ability to measure, see or identify.

Who knew a bunch of silly cats would lead me to the discovery of why we can't find Dark Matter.

And we cannot even say I'm wrong, since we are able to do the same in a small way.

I hope you have enjoyed my silly discovery of dark matter and why we can't find it.

I'm going to stop now, but please feel free to follow the silly cats to their eventual end.

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